Subject Leader: Mr M Bogan –
Subject Teachers: Mrs N Blunden, Mr T White, Miss C Shea
Exam Board: Eduqas
Business studies is well regarded by universities and future employers. It is a dynamic subject that is relevant and applicable to all students.
Students will need to demonstrate their learning of a wide range of business concepts. The subject areas cover a thorough grounding in business topics including; Marketing, Human resources, Finance, Production and business structures. Students, through classroom activities, will be able to demonstrate knowledge, apply their knowledge to scenarios, analyse features of concepts and evaluate with justification business choices that they recommend. Classroom activities will include discussions, research and verbal and written answers.

Students are prepared for their futures by;
- Studying the world of work
- Learning to work with others
- Developing problem-solving skills
- Using ICT in a business context
By the end of any Business course, students will be able to;
- Make effective use of relevant terminology, concepts and methods, and recognise the strengths and limitations of the ideas used
- Apply their knowledge and critical understanding to current issues and problems in a wide range of appropriate contexts
- Distinguish between facts and opinions and evaluate qualitative and quantitative data to help build arguments and make informed judgements
- Appreciate the perspectives of a range of stakeholders in relation to the environment, individuals, government and enterprise.
Business Studies in Each Stage
Business studies is an excellent option for years 10 and 11, (offering Eduqas GCSE Business Studies) regardless of their current ability and future aims. The GCSE curriculum is wide-ranging and in-depth with students studying the following topic areas;
- Business activity
- Influences on business
- Business operations
- Finance
- Marketing
- Human resources
Examination Information
Exam Board: Eduqas
Qualification: Eduqas GCSE Business Studies
How are the courses assessed?
The two components are both marked externally. The weighting of each component is as follows:
Component 1: Business Dynamics (62.5%)
Written examination: 2 hours
A mix of short answer and structured questions based on stimulus material covering all of the specification content.
Component 2: Business Considerations (37.5%)
Written examination: 1 hour 30 minutes
Data response questions covering all of the specification content.
Enrichment and Extra-curricular Activities
Students are encouraged to learn through experience and develop their skills outside of the classroom. Students are able to join various projects which have included; Investor challenge, Target 2.0 and the Bank of England media project and marketing masterclasses.
Business Studies Future Paths
Students can progress further into IB Business Management or National Extended Certificate in Enterprise and Entrepreneurship.
Many business studies students go into management and administration jobs in commercial businesses, and a business studies qualification can also be helpful to get into finance, banking or insurance. But skills in management and marketing are also required in other areas such as charity, social work and local government, while knowledge of the business is also important for consultancy, certain teaching jobs and for financial journalists.