Subject Leader: Mrs A Lawrie –
Music Teacher: Mr G Podesta, Mr I Wait
Exam Board: Edexcel
It is important for students to have a practical link to music theory topics covered in class. The skills learnt in and outside of the classroom aim to create well-rounded and competent musicians by the time students have completed their studies.

The Music department at Knole Academy provides education encompassing the three main strands of music education: performing, composing, and listening/appraising. The topics covered at KS3 allow students to develop their musical understanding and skills, which allows them to build on this at KS4 and KS5.
We endeavour to provide all students with the opportunity to perform in class and at regular concerts and performance opportunities throughout the year. We also encourage students to learn an instrument and take part in the many musical opportunities offered at Knole Academy.
Students are prepared for their futures by;
- Studying the world of the music industry
- Learning to work with others
- Developing analysis skills
- Using music software and technology
By the end of any Music course, students will be able to;
- Analyse music, both aurally and through understanding of different music notations
- Perform music to an audience
- Compose and create music through either traditional methods, or via use of music technology
- Understand the workings the wider music industry

Music in Each Stage
Year 7
- Elements of music
- Keyboard skills & treble clef notation
- Instruments of the Orchestra
- Rhythm & beat
Year 8
- The Blues
- Major/Minor
- African drumming
- Pop songs
Year 9
- Ground bass
- Musicals
- Film music
- Music history
- Composing a melody
- Stave notation/key signatures
Music is a popular choice at GCSE. We follow the Edexcel 2016 specification (9-1). This subject is assessed through coursework and an examination, on the three units listed below.
Unit 1: Performing Music
Unit 2: Composing Music
Unit 3: Listening & Appraising
Examination Information
Exam Board: Edexcel
Qualification: GCSE Music
Component 1: Performing (30%)
Non-examined assessment: internally marked and externally moderated. 60 marks.
- Students perform for at least four minutes’ combined duration
- Solo performance: this must be of at least one minute in duration, and may comprise one or more pieces (30 marks)
- Ensemble performance: this must be of at least one minute in duration, and may comprise one or more pieces (30 marks)
Component 2: Composing (30%)
Non-examined assessment: internally marked and externally moderated. 60 marks.
- Students compose two compositions, of at least three minutes’ combined duration
- One composition to a brief set by Pearson, of at least one minute in duration (30 marks)
- One free composition set by the student, of at least one minute in duration (30 marks)
Component 3: Appraising (40%)
Written examination. 1 hour 45 minutes. 80 marks.
- Section A: Areas of study, dictation, and unfamiliar pieces (68 marks)
- Six questions related to six of the eight set works.
- One short melody/rhythm completion exercise.
- One question on an unfamiliar piece (skeleton score provided) with questions on its musical elements, musical contexts and musical language.
- Section B: Extended response comparison between a set work and one unfamiliar piece (12 marks)
- One question that asks students to compare and/or evaluate the musical elements, musical contexts and musical language of one set work with one unfamiliar piece of music.
- Audio files with the music extracts will be played to all students at the same time and will repeat the extracts a set number of times.
Instrumental Peripatetic Contacts
Music Documentation
Enrichment and Extra-curricular Activities
- Orchestra – Wednesday Lunchtime in the Recital Room
- Knole Choir – Thursday Lunchtime in the Recital Room
- Knole Singers– Friday Lunchtime in the Recital Room
- Band Rehearsals – Every lunchtime in Practice Rooms
- Jazz Ensemble – Tuesday Lunchtimes in the Recital Room
- Songwriting Club– Tuesday Lunchtimes in P1
- Music Production/Music Tech Club – Friday Lunchtimes in P1
Music Future Paths
Students can progress further to BTEC Extended Certificate in Music Performance
Students are then equipped with the knowledge and skills to apply to music related courses at university and performance colleges. Students may chose to continue studies in music performance, composition or music industry and business courses.
Alongside the obvious routes through further and higher education into the media, music and production environment, the leisure and entertainment industry is one of Britain’s largest employers.