Subject Leader: Miss H Page –
Exam Board: AQA
Dance at Knole Academy provides a broad and balanced dance curriculum that inspires and promotes creativity and confidence.
The department strives to create an equal curriculum where boys and girls can achieve success. As an Expressive Arts Academy, dance is compulsory at Key Stage 3 (years 7-8) and a popular option for year 9 and GCSE, where students can further develop their understanding and appreciation of dance.

Students enjoy their dance lessons in a safe and comfortable working environment where they can learn a variety of dance styles and how to devise their own creative choreographies. Students find their own creative voice and explore how the body moves in space. They gain skills which are highly transferable to the workplace beyond the world of dance, such as: confidence, communication, trust, problem solving, social skills and body awareness.
Dance in Each Stage
Years 7 – 8: What will my child be studying?
Contemporary dance and street dance styles with a focus on developing the following skills:
- Safe practice
- Transferable skills
- Physical dance skills
- Choreography skills
- Mental skills
Year 9
If students choose to take dance as an option for their last year of KS3 in Year 9, then they will assessed on the following:-
- Technical skills
- Expressive skills
- Mental skills
- Physical skills
- Safe practice
- Choreography
The anthology consists of six short professional dance works each between 12 and 30 minutes duration. There is a filmed interview with the choreographer or company associate, which explores the choreographic approach of the choreographer and the defining characteristics of each work. Students must study all six works.
Together the six works include:
- different dance styles and fusions of style
- a selection of established and emerging choreographers
- different numbers and combinations of dancers
- a variety of choreographic approaches
- different choreographic structures
- a variety of types of performance environment
- a variety of aural settings
- inclusive dance
- dance influenced by other cultures.
Examination Information
Exam Board: AQA
Qualification: GCSE Dance 8236
Practical lessons and final performances at the end of each term will continually be assessed. Dance theory tests will also be regular to assess mental understanding.
Component 1: Performance and Choreography (60%)
- Which includes learning and performing a short solo of two set phrases and a duet/trio.
- Choreography unit in year 11 with own solo or group choreography based off set stimuli.
Component 2: Dance Appreciation (40%)
Written Paper consisting of 3 sections. Students will need to draw from their knowledge of performance and choreography skills in section A-B. In section C, students will answer questions based off a dance anthology.
The anthology consists of six short professional dance works each between 12 and 30 minutes duration. There is a filmed interview with the choreographer or company associate, which explores the choreographic approach of the choreographer and the defining characteristics of each work. Students must study all six works.
Together the six works include:
- different dance styles and fusions of style
- a selection of established and emerging choreographers
- different numbers and combinations of dancers
- a variety of choreographic approaches
- different choreographic structures
- a variety of types of performance environment
- a variety of aural settings
- inclusive dance
- dance influenced by other cultures.
Enrichment and Extra-curricular Activities
Knole Academy runs many dance clubs at lunches and after school.
There is an annual dance production in the Oaks Theatre; which is positively received by the school and the wider community of Knole Academy.
Other performance activities include student dance platforms and performances at local theatres.
Students can audition to participate in weekly professional dance companies with Cascade Dance.
Students can audition to become part of the Knole competition team which compete at local competitions and have been successfully representing the school in competitions from 2019-2024
Dance Future Paths
Students can progress further in BTEC National Extended Certificate in Performance (Dance)
Students considering work in the theatre arts as a performer or teachers would benefit from dance. Dance students show an employer they are able to think creatively and work both independently and as part of a team. A-Level, BTEC, Foundation and Degree courses in dance are available and becoming increasingly popular should you wish to continue your study of the subject.