Subject Leader: Miss C Hurley –
Exam Board: OCR
The curriculum is designed to enable all students, whatever their ability to progress in both their skills and their knowledge and understanding. Work is differentiated to support students, with extension tasks for those who require more challenge. All tasks can be adapted to make them suitable for individual and specific needs. Work at KS4 is done mostly independently but can be in groups when appropriate. Teaching methods are varied so as to engage and enthuse the pupils which leads to success for the subject.
Students are encouraged at KS4 to develop their skills and knowledge. Guest speakers are invited where appropriate and external visits will be arranged if they tie in with the curriculum. Examples are health visitors, nurses, and also exhibitions.
The baby and childcare industry exists worldwide and is a multi-billion industry which is ever evolving to keep up with new demands. Knowledge of childcare is also a useful life skill which is helpful for all. It links very well with other jobs and careers which are also learnt in Child Development like teaching, childcare, nursery care, nursing, midwifery and social care.
Regular assessments and personalised feedback are crucial to our approach, ensuring all students know more, remember more, and do more, according to their individual learning needs. By adhering to these principles, we aim to ensure that every student can excel and thrive in Child Development, gaining a deeper understanding, retaining knowledge effectively, and applying it confidently. The course will be assessed internally (60%) and externally (40%).

At KS4 we offer OCR Cambridge National in Child Development as an option subject. It contains two centre assessed units with practical task-based assessment opportunities, as well as an examined unit covering topics such as responsibilities of parenthood, contraception and reproduction, antenatal, health, delivery, postnatal checks, illnesses and child safety. This has resulted in a focused qualification which complements a Key Stage 4 study programme alongside other vocational qualifications and GCSEs. It builds upon skills and knowledge gained during KS3 such as Science – anatomy, conception and foetal development, medication and vaccinations, Mathematics – Apgar scores, gestation, BMI, height and weight-growth centiles and English – speech and language development, story time and reading.
The work covers every aspect of the development of the child, physical, intellectual, emotional and social within the framework of the family and the community. It allows a student to gain an informed understanding of adult responsibilities and roles towards children.
The impact of our Child Development curriculum is that students develop:
- A broad and deep knowledge and understanding of all aspects of child development.
- An understanding of the importance of responsibility and the true meaning of parenthood, assisting development of a child as a whole person.
- An appreciation that our curriculum covers some sensitive topics and mature content, allowing students to understand the complexity of childhood and respect the science behind the creation of life. It is our hope that students develop in maturity sooner than many of their peers and find a passion for inspiring young people, after having more understanding about what really goes into the conception, creation and nurturing of a young person.

Child Development and Health & Social Care in Each Stage
Year 10
Autumn term: Understanding reproduction, roles and responsibilities of parenthood, and child safety (exam content). Also cover Nutritional Guidelines (coursework).
Spring term: Understand antenatal care and preparation for birth and understand postnatal checks, provision and conditions for development (exam content). It also covers choosing equipment for babies from birth to five years (coursework).
Summer term: Understand how to recognise, manage and prevent childhood illnesses (exam content) and be able to investigate and develop feeding solutions for children from birth to five years (coursework). Their GCSE exam will take place this term.
Year 11
Autumn term: Understanding physical, intellectual and social developmental norms and benefits of learning through play (coursework).
Spring term: Plan different play activities for children, carry them out, and evaluate them (coursework).
Examination Information
Exam Board: OCR
Qualification: Cambridge Nationals Child Development Level 1/Level 2 Certificate (J809)
It consists of 3 units: one examined and two internally assessed and externally moderated.
R057: Health and well-being for child development (40%)
Externally marked. 1 hour 15 minutes.
- A mix of short answer and structured questions based on stimulus material covering all of the specification content.
R058: Create a safe environment and understand the nutritional needs of children from birth to five years (30%)
Internally marked. Coursework.
Students complete 4 assignments based on:
- Creating a PowerPoint selecting and rejecting equipment for a nursery
- Creating a PowerPoint on designing a room for a nursery looking at the potential accidents that can take place and how they can be prevented.
- A written report on nutritional information on formula and food supplied to children in a nursery.
- A practical by making a bottle feed and evaluating strengths and weaknesses.
R059: Understand the development of a child from one to five years (30%)
Internally marked. Coursework.
Students to complete 4 assignments based on:
- Explanation of the physical, intellectual and social development of children and types of play
- Observation carried out on a child aged 2-5 years.
- Create a play activity for the child.
- Evaluate the play activity.
Future Paths
This course offers a Level 1 and 2 qualification in Child Development. Students can continue their studies of Child Development through an apprenticeship or a college placement, or alternatively study OCR Cambridge Technicals in Health and Social Care here at sixth form.
A variety of career paths are available to those students wishing to pursue a career in this field, these include:
- Nursery Nurse
- Early Years Teacher
- Primary School Teacher
- Teaching Assistant
- Child Psychologist
- Children’s Nurse
- Education Psychologist
- Speech and Language Therapist
- Play Therapist
- Child Minder
- Midwife
- Social Worker
- Paramedic
- District Nurse
- Paediatrician