Mission Statement

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Knole Academy Mission Statement

Knole Academy is committed to the highest standards of teaching and learning to ensure that all students fulfil their potential, in the taught curriculum and in extra and co-curricular activities.

We are aspirational in our targets and ambitious for our students in their academic and personal development. We aim to use external and internal expertise to provide opportunities for staff to feel valued and able to create an academy where all students understand and contribute to the local, national and global community.

Knole Academy is an IB World School. We offer the IB Diploma Programme and IB Careers Programme.

The International Baccalaureate aims to develop inquiring, knowledgeable and caring young people who help to create a better and more peaceful world through intercultural understanding and respect.  To this end the organisation works with schools, governments and international organisations to develop challenging programmes of international education and rigorous assessment.  These programmes encourage students across the world to become active, compassionate and lifelong learners who understand that other people, with their differences, can also be right.

Knole Academy Vision 2019-2024


Guiding Principle

Knole Academy is committed to the highest standards of teaching and learning to ensure that all students fulfil their potential, in the taught curriculum and in extra and co-curricular activities.  We are aspirational in our targets and ambitious for our students in their academic and personal development.  We aim to use external and internal expertise to provide opportunities for staff to feel valued and able to create an academy where all students understand and contribute to the local, national and global community.

Core Values


We have high expectations for every child regardless of background.  The interests of students are always the priority in all decision making.


We intend to develop internationally minded learners who recognise their common humanity and help create a better world.


Through partnership with all stakeholders we strive to ensure that no barriers are placed in the way of student achievement.

Strategic Approach

All of our work will be focused into ensuring that students fulfil their potential academically, socially and emotionally. 

The academy will promote a strong ethos which exists and develops across all key stages.

All activities and links will have a clear and demonstrable impact on the improvement of the academy.


Curriculum Teaching and Learning

  • The quality of teaching and learning is always the paramount principle within the academy
  • Develop timetable and curriculum strategically to maximise delivery of aims and objectives
  • Integrate successful delivery of the International Baccalaureate Career Programme and introduction of the Diploma Programme.


Creating an academy culture

  • Embed the International Baccalaureate Learner Profile throughout the academy
  • Publicaly and openly recognise students' achievements and contributions
  • Foster a lifelong love of learning
  • Develop the house structure to promote achievement and engagement
  • The academy has a professional ethos built on mutual dignity and respect of all members.



  • Develop information systems to track and promote student progress
  • Optimise the use of buildings to promote learning
  • Maximise the lettings revenue to reinvest into the teaching and learning
  • Through careful budgetary processes ensure the academy remains financially solvent to support the vision.


Excellent staff development

  • Promote the development of subject pedagogy in all areas
  • Develop teaching styles that promote mastery and metacognition
  • Embed the value of research based training into the CPD programme
  • All staff value the opportunity and have the confidence to embrace change.


Expanding horizons

  • Continue to provide a vast and varied range of co and extracurricular activities
  • Develop partnership activities with educational sponsors
  • Promote the use of Information, Advice and Guidance to set clear objectives for students in their onward progression
  • Develop global citizens and encourage a caring environment where all students strive. 


Strategic links

  • Develop a strategy for links with the local business community
  • Provide an opportunity for parents to express views
  • Develop partnership work with local primary and secondary schools
  • Ensure collaboration with other IB schools both locally and globally.


Making success the norm

  • Ensure all information is used to maximise student outcomes
  • Provide greater challenge to students
  • Build students understanding of how they learn.


Student attainment and achievement is high and improving.

Students leave Knole Academy as well rounded members of society.  Retention of students into the Sixth Form increases.

Knole Academy is the academy of choice for the local area and is able to sustain its vision.

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