Student Equipment


  • Full school uniform with black leather shoes or Black Nike Air Force 1 trainers (or Air Force One style) with the chrome tag removed are the only trainers permitted.  Please refer to the dress code by clicking here.
  • Drawstring bag containing PE kit.
  • Strong school bag to allow you to participate fully in your lessons - to be left in the locker during the school day.
  • Clear pencil case large enough to hold:
    pencil sharpener
    blue or black pen (with spare cartridges 
    1 HB & 1 2B pencil
    30cm ruler
    solid glue stick
    colouring pencils
    pair of compasses
  • Casio FX 83GTX (battery powered) or Casio FX85GTX (solar powered)
  • Reading book
  • Small school English dictionary
  • USB memory stick
  • Dining room fob for the cashless system
  • Padlock for locker - available from the school
  • Grippy socks for Dance lessons  (new addition for hygiene reasons related to COVID-19)

Please ensure that all equipment and clothing is marked with your name.

Items not allowed in school include MP3 players, jewellery (other than that specified on the uniform list), chewing gum, aerosols and glass bottles.  Illegal substances including tobacco are not allowed in school.

STUDENT’S OWN DEVICE POLICY – includes mobile phones, headphones, earpieces and any SMART device

Note:  All students are permitted to bring their mobile phones to school so should they need to contact a parent/carer or guardian in an emergency, outside of academy hours, they will be able to do so.  There are strict rules around this policy.

Mobile phones, headphones and earpieces must go in lockers on arrival at school. Once past the front of the school they should not be seen at any time on the premises.

  • Students should keep their mobile phones switched off and not visible when past the front of the academy premises. They should then be placed, switched off, in their locker once inside school.

This means it is even more important that the students have a padlock on their locker to ensure it is secure.

  • Students will not be able to use their phone or SMART device when on school premises and therefore must not carry mobile phones in their blazer pockets when on school premises.
  • Examination boards have strict rules regarding mobile phones; they and other devices such as tablets and SMART watches are not permitted in exam rooms. Any student who takes such device into a public exam is likely to be disqualified from all of their public exams.
  • If a member of staff sees a mobile phone, it will be confiscated.  The confiscation periods are:

On a first offence (in an academic year) they will be held at reception to be collected at the end of the day by the student.  Further offences will result in the phone having to be handed in at reception, and collected at the end of the day by the student, for an increasing number of days.  Further offences will be dealt with at the discretion of the school.

If a parent/carer needs to contact their child during the academy day, they should continue to telephone reception and the academy will pass on the message.

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