Head Students

Head students

We are delighted to introduce our Head students Freya and Rebecca to you. 




I am extremely fortunate to have been given this opportunity to formally represent Knole Academy as Head Student and it has long been a goal of mine. I am currently studying A level Photography, Textiles and Criminology as well as completing my Gold Duke of Edinburgh award following my previous completions of bronze and silver. The Duke of Edinburgh programme has taught me invaluable lessons of communication, leadership and responsibility and has shaped me into the determined person I am today. Alongside my studies, I am also currently completing an online course studying Future Trends of Fashion and Textiles learning about the key aspects of sustainability, consumer behaviour, production and design, all of which are essential in aiding my future aspirations. My creative subjects are vital in providing me with the foundation knowledge to continue my studies at university and my aim is to study Fashion Buying and Merchandising at UAL’s London Collage of Fashion. I have enrolled in a residential summer school program at Nottingham Trent University studying Fashion Visual Merchandising which is taught by industry experienced professionals and will help build my creative portfolio as well as giving me insight into the visual merchandising industry. I also had the amazing opportunity of completing my Year 12 work experience at a fashion media production company, learning first-hand what it means to work in the creative industry. By working closely with industry professionals, I was able to gain a more in depth understanding of the behind the scenes processes of fashion content creation, work on set on the photoshoots of well-known fashion brands and communicate with those already working in the industry, learning about their career paths and current projects. Knole Academy has offered me a variety of opportunities including attending career events like the National Apprenticeship Show which had numerous representatives from universities and companies and also being selected to formally represent the school by attending the International Woman’s Day event where I socialised with strong, ambitious women from the community and other Sevenoaks schools and also had the honour of meeting the Mayor of Sevenoaks. Furthermore, I was also provided the opportunity to complete a mental health first aid training course during which I learnt the necessary techniques required to best support the mental health of not only myself, but of those in need around me. Being on the School Council has allowed me to communicate and develop connections with students in the younger years, while working closely with them in further developing Knole Academy and making it the best it can possibly be. I am exceptionally grateful for the support and experiences Knole Academy has provided me, allowing me to thrive and find happiness during the last 6 years. Now that I am beginning to approach the end of my time at the school, I couldn’t feel any more prepared to continue my journey into the future.



I am extremely grateful to be a part of the student leadership team as a head student. It is an honour to represent the school and work alongside dedicated individuals. As head student, I advocate the well-being and success of each and every fellow student. I currently study the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme which has a prestigious global reputation. I currently study Maths, Physics and Psychology at higher level, French, English and Biology at standard. I am in the process of applying to Oxford University to study astrophysics. As a student at Knole, I have been fortunate to experience opportunities I would not be able to anywhere else, such as being able to go to Switzerland to visit the CERN Hadron Collider as a part of my work experience. The school also provided me with many new experiences such as taking apart of DofE and learning new skills in Knole’s army cadets. During my time at Knole, I also undertook the National Citizenship Service programme which taught me and my fellow peers various leadership and teamwork skills, as well as raising money for charity. My involvement in these extracurricular activities has afforded me the opportunities that helped aid my personal growth, adaptability in different situations and resilience when facing challenges. My experiences have taught me the value of giving back to my community and making a positive impact on the lives of others. I have also been able to enrol in Cambridge University’s STEM smart programme which allows me to further my education and prepare for adult life after school. My journey at Knole Academy has been a transformative one, filled with valuable lessons, personal growth, and unforgettable memories. I am grateful for the opportunities I have had and look forward to applying what I have learned to make a difference in the world.

Head Student Review 2021-2022


Please read the testimonials from Jagtara and Oliver on their experiences as head students from 2021-2022.

Head students final rev


Jagtara review 2021

Oliver Review 2021

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